Days of Eid Blog

  • Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup for Fall

    Nothing says Fall like a warm soup! I decided to get into the Fall spirit by trying out a recipe by @fufui...
  • Why We Started Days of Eid

    We must ask ourselves: What does my home say about me? What does our home mean to my children and their understanding about our family and faith values? What do my neighbors glimpse when they see my home? 

    Because a home isn't just a space enclosed between four walls. A home is where we have conversations over dinner and where we tuck our little ones to bed. It is where we express our love and share the most meaningful of laughs. Our homes are where we celebrate who we are. 

    This is the mission of Days of Eid: To create a home that defines and celebrates you.

  • COVID-19 & Parenting: 5 Words of Wisdom to Keep You Sane!

    Worried about your kids’ emotional state in quarantine? Anxious about what this Fall and Winter will hold? Facing financial difficulty in this time? Overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of bad news? Here’s a secret: whenever we experience hardship, God compensates us with ease.