The Importance of Self-Care in Ramadan

Ramadan has much more to it than the physical fast. It is also a time of self-care:  rejuvenation, healing, and growth. As Muslims, we have a duty to take care of our physical and mental health by taking time to reflect and purify our hearts (tazkiyah).

Abu Dharr RA reported that Muhammad SAW said:   “Verily, your own self has rights over you, so fast and break your fast, pray and sleep.”

There are countless ways that Islam teaches us to show kindness and respect to ourselves, as we are His creation and in respecting His creation, we also respect Him. Here are some ways to establish truly beneficial self-care habits this Ramadan and throughout the year.


Ramadan is a great time to clear out the parts of your day that are not beneficial. Try unfollowing the social media accounts that make you feel insecure. As you clear out harmful comparisons, try learning from the lives of the prophets and companions (sahaba
). Read about the trials they overcame and set up more positive role models that will bring you closer to Allah SWT.


Take ten minutes everyday to sit in silence. With no distractions, you can allow your mind to rest. Use this time to do dhikr, breathing exercises, or simply reflect. You can do this right after fajr or when the kids fall asleep. But reserving this time just for you and Allah (swt) will certainly put more blessings (barakah) in your day.

Photo by Ömer F. Arslan on Unsplash
Abu Huraira reported that Muhammad SAW said:   “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.”


On some days, you might feel burdened by house chores. I get it, they can be tedious and repetitive. But try replacing the thought “I hate cleaning the house” with “I take care of my family for the sake of Allah SWT”. Setting the right intention while doing your daily tasks is a great way to keep your presence of mind during this month .


People of paradise go to sleep with a clean heart. It is easier said than done, but working on your temper is a beautiful habit to build. By walking away when you feel your temper is rising and breathing through your emotions, you will learn how to live a more peaceful and resilient life.

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."


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